Check this article to get links to watch President's trophy boat race 2011 live online or to watch online streaming live and Presidents trophy boat race live telecast TV channel list. Kerala is once again upgrading its fame with its popular water sport with the newly introduced President's trophy boat race which will be conducted on 30th August 2011 in the charming waters of Ashtamudi Lake in Kollam district of God's own country. The boat race itself is known with the name of President of India and for that itself Hon. President of India, Shrimathi Prathibha Patel is the chief guest of this exciting event on 30th August 2011. She would also distribute the trophy and cash prizes to the winning team. Kollam is always known for its tourist attraction in the name boat races, houseboats, beautiful hotels, resorts and home stays in the banks of serene lagoons. The accommodation facilities for President Prathibha Patel is arranged in newly inaugurated Raviz resort in Kollam.
The trophy of the President's trophy boat race worth Rs.10 Lakh and is gold plated. The race would be categorised to five including snake boats, two grades of Veppuveellams and two grades of Iruttukuthi boats. The over all expenditure of the event is estimated to be Rs.2 crores and expecting a spectators around 2 lakhs. The live telecast of President's trophy boat race 2011 will be available in Doordarshan Malayalam TV channel and in other regional channels like Asianet, Indiavision, Surya TV etc. The online live streaming of this event will be available in the official live streaming websites of regional malayalam channels like Asianet, Indiavision etc. Some of the links which enables live TV channels online will be available in this page also. So enjoy watching President's trophy boat race 2011 on Ashtamudi lake for the fist time in the history on 3oth August 2011.
The trophy of the President's trophy boat race worth Rs.10 Lakh and is gold plated. The race would be categorised to five including snake boats, two grades of Veppuveellams and two grades of Iruttukuthi boats. The over all expenditure of the event is estimated to be Rs.2 crores and expecting a spectators around 2 lakhs. The live telecast of President's trophy boat race 2011 will be available in Doordarshan Malayalam TV channel and in other regional channels like Asianet, Indiavision, Surya TV etc. The online live streaming of this event will be available in the official live streaming websites of regional malayalam channels like Asianet, Indiavision etc. Some of the links which enables live TV channels online will be available in this page also. So enjoy watching President's trophy boat race 2011 on Ashtamudi lake for the fist time in the history on 3oth August 2011.